We exist to improve the well being of people in disadvantaged communities through theater therapy,educating,informing,transforming and increasing participation in their communities.

Why Arts MatterWho We Are
The Sophie Muwanika Institute (TSMI) is a non-profit youth led organization based in Kampala- Uganda. TSMI strives to promote young people active, responsible and continuing participation in local and global development
We invest in the arts making use of them more than an entertainment tool but as a tool to educate, advocate, and foster entrepreneurship, peace, unity and development.
DiscoverOur Programs
TSMI works with young people, individuals, civil society organizations, institutions, government departments and development partners who are passionate about creating positive change on a wide range of issues affecting young people in Uganda. Such issues may include, but not limited to; poverty, the environment, social justice issues, leadership, human rights, HIV/AIDS, gender, and good governance among many others.

IntroducingOur Thematic Areas
Our thematic focus centers on six issues including;
- Education access
- Health
- Gender
- Human rights education
- Social entrepreneurship
- Peace and Tolerance
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Maya Angelou